Every night gets better and better with Comet Holmes. I can see it clearly as a naked eye object from the parking lot of my church - heavily covered with lighting to obscure most of the stars.

How do you find the comet? Every astronomer will give different advice, but here is mine...

Here is tonight's image through a telescope. The image was taken at 3:22 UTC, at coordinates 3h 47m 3s +50degrees 29m 54seconds through at magnification 200.
How do you find the comet? Every astronomer will give different advice, but here is mine...
You probably can find the W of Cassiopeia.
Find the two stars Gamma and Delta (which I've highlighted in the boxes below).
Use those two stars to draw a line toward Pereus (or put another way, at this time of year and in the evening sky, toward the ground). Move a little more than the length of your fist when held at arm's length (an astronomer's way of figuring out 10 degrees). You will come to a triangle of stars in Perseus.
One of the points of that triangle will be a fuzzier star - that is the comet. A pair of binoculars should show it well.
I took these last two images in the heavily light-polluted parking lot of my church - and even there the comet was clearly visible as a slightly fuzzy star-like object.
Even without a telescope, you can find it. If you have binoculars, you'll get a good view.
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